
Thursday, 26 May 2011

London Day 3

 Looking back on what I did today I am happy to say that I was able to check off 3 " must see" from my list.
First off I explored a bit more of the Clerkenwell Design exhibits then made my way down to the Tate Modern. On my way I stopped in at the Globe Theater and bought the next available ticket, which happened to be for 2pm.
At this point it was around 11 so I decided to have lunch at the Tate. On the 7th floor they have a great restaurant with a lovely view of the city. Unfortunately it was a bit of a gray day but still a great view. After lunch I walked around the Tate which is actually a very cool building. My favorite room was the Mark Rothko room and seeing a piece of Roy Lichtenstein pop art. Simply because I had studied his and many others works so hard last semester in my History of Design class that seeing the work in real life was somewhat gratifying. 
By this point I was having to hurry over to the Globe so not to miss my show. 
When I bought the ticket I really did not pay attention to what show I was buying it for. The show i ended up seeing was Much Ado About Nothing. It was actually very well done and entertaining. Especially when it started to rain and the actors just embraced it and the old lady sitting next to me and I just thought it was so funny. After that I was freezing from sitting outside so I decided to get reorganized and warmed up at Starbucks ( It was the first cafe outside the theater) 

From there I decided to make my way down to the Victoria and Albert Museum to see the Yohji Yamamoto exhibition. The V&A is super nice and I definitely need to spend more time there but I was on a one track mind at this point. I bought my ticket just in time and made it into the exhibit. It was in a fairly large room all painted white with extremely bright tube lighting highlighting the middle of the room. Along the walls was the time line were videos of his shows, and pictures of important events were posted. Most of the space was taken up of mannequins all wearing different important garments, including some of his mens wear. This show is first to ever display his mens wear work.
photo from:

By now the rain was pouring and me being a "fashion over function" girl did not wear a jacket. I did have my umbrella but  I was not interested in getting a cold so I decided to mission it 5 blocks over to Harrods in search of a jacket. No luck in the jacket department but in my wanderings around Harrods I stumbled upon their Veuve Clicquot champagne bar. It was like finding a hidden treasure. I immediately went over ordered myself a glass and a chocolate desert. Not sure what I was thinking with the desert since it was only 6pm but that was what I had for dinner :)
Tomorrow is focused on shopping and exploring the London night life!!

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