
Friday, 23 December 2011

DIY- Wrapping Paper

No time to get wrapping paper?
No money to get wrapping paper?
Bored of wrapping paper designs?

No problem!
1.Take your old magazines out images you think would be appropriate
3.tape them together
and you have one-of-a-kind wrapping paper :)

You can be as creative as you would like. You can personalize it to the gift receiver and/or have it correspond to the gift itself.
I wrapped mine with fashion spreads but you could use car magazines, cooking magazines, fitness magazines, even newspapers! Its a great way to recycle your old magazines while giving gift wrapping a creative kick.
I know you aren't done all your gift wrapping yet , so give it a try! 

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Where's the Wolf-Body Chain

Designer: Angelica Colucci
Photographer: Claire Cole

Saturday, 10 December 2011

First post for Dress to Kill magazine

I know I did a review of the Valentino virtual museum already, but check out what I wrote for Dress to Kill magazines blog.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Valentino virtual museum

The debut of Valentino s virtual museum is exciting news!
It is such a pleasure for Valentino lovers such as myself, to be able to enjoy the masters great works in the comfert of our own homes. No time limits, no crowds or noisy patrons. You are completely alone to get lost in the vitrual world of Valentino.
Its fantastic how its available to everyone and anyone around the world! You dont need to pay, travel, or wait in line to view such a collection. It is just there at a click of a mouse! 

Congratulations to you Mr.Valentino and Mr. Giancarlo, whom funded the project entirerly on their own. This is a monumental achievement which touched and inspired many of us.
If you did not watch the press conference, it is well worth the hour of your time. Filled with many inspiring words and one that will be remembered for ever.

 "In fashion today there is not enough dream"